Two days passed since I arrived on Korriban.
Academy located in Valley of the Dark Lords. Probably for convenience, but truth is I think it's another trial for acolytes - listening to howling and cracking in the night. Korriban is harsh world, there are many dangers here although most acolytes come prepared and can hold their own.
First day was not much different from IYMC. 'Go through the corridor on your right, then take platform from the yard and go straight to the Academy. Duty Assistant Overseer will direct you to your instructor, your dormitory and your bunk location in your datapad.' And off you go.
No one told us, however, that K'lor'slugs is native around here (at least they act that way). Few acolytes were jumped while traveling courtyard. Probably those without real sensitivity to life force, I could sense those beast, although could not locate them exactly. Korriban empowers for certain at that moment power was overwhelming, so I could not concentrate.
While medical droid patched unfortunate I exchanged a few words with Orailus, local medic. Turns out that these critters is major headache around here. Soldiers fight them, but they don't have enough numbers to destroy the lairs. Basically cycle goes as this: soldiers search for K'lor'slugs, when they find them K'lor'slugs hurt and kill soldiers, medics patch wounded, new soldiers arrive... And so on, and so forth. Sith could take care of a problem directly, but they never did.
In addition turns out some parts of K'lor'slugs are valuable. You don't get rich selling them, but medical station will offer credits for different parts. I downloaded list from local computer for future hunting. I don't intend to tow whole thing each time I put one of this beasts down. Blasted Academy entry rules. If I had a decent blaster I could make a fortune. Good thing I have a decent knife to cut carcasses.
Bearing in mind these facts we traveled to Academy. After we arrived up there were no more obstacles of any kind. On the left from entrance I noticed a few vendors. I decided attend to them later. I will need something more sturdy then clothes I arrived with.
Duty Assistant Overseer turned out to be someone named Markan. I don't know whether Sith become like this with time, whether it is part of training or is it Dark Side. Usually I ignore attitude in people, but some people should be ignored with attitude altogether. After we got name of our instructor, Lord Samus, we were gone.
Lord Samus greeted us, noticing a few promising souls among our group and told that that next three days will be preparation for study. Students are free to explore Academy grounds and explore surroundings in general. My question about library Lord Samus answered with a glare and a few seconds of silence. Then he pointed behind him with his thumb and answered 'of course'.
When I've been almost I asleep I heard a faint music. Very beautiful, calling somewhere. I can swear it has nothing to do with sounds coming from local cantina (by the way prices there is a plunder).
On second day I went to library, with idea learning about K 'lor'slugs a little more.
K'lor'slug image in imperial database. Brrr. |
Not much can be found about these creatures. They are native to Noe'ha'on, although Korriban also mentioned in some sources as native world. Most information is about breeding and habitat, though. And man they do breed. Now I understand why military can't diminish their numbers.
Since database did not yield any significant information I decided to study them myself. And best way to study a critter is to hunt it.