Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Entry 4. Musing.

Hunt goes on. I chase slugs, they chase me (I'm tired of writing "k'lor'slug" each time, if I ever hunt any other slugs I will mention it). Although I can't put away feeling that everything is not that simple with this infestation. Not to mention our beloved shepherd told us a new piece of information on nature of our endeavors.

"Sith are predators. Sith feed on life force, on everything they can get." - preached Samus - "Actually, everyone feed on everyone. Herbivores feed on grass, carnivores feed on herbivores. Natural cycle. And Sith are on top of the food chain. But as no tiger will eat grass no Sith will feed only on simple food and drinks. We need energy. There are numerous ways to get it. But the one I will tell you about today is the one you already use. Those who know this topic, please be quiet.

Every living being have life cycle that is granted to it from the moment it was conceived. So is the will of the Force. Some call it fate. Since the moment something born into this world is has path in universe and energy to move on this path day after day, until last breath. This is not straight road, more of a general direction. And on one of intersections there is a possibility that this creature was born to feed another living being. And this living being could be you.

Apotheosis of living creature's existence is fight. Fighting for it's life living being uses all it's energy, all it's resources. The purpose in any creature is to continue existence no matter the cost. And when creature's life is at stake it will use resources in disposal to it's fullest.

That's where Sith come in. Reap a life is one thing, but to take this energy is whole another matter. Sith way is conflict, competition and domination - common knowledge. But why? To manifest energy most powerful way possible. Why two Sith Lords fight each other? They crave this energy, energy of a being releasing it's full potential. One must fall, the other will take everything he had. Our passion for this energy makes us stronger. We use this strength to gain power."

Anyway, I got explanations through philosophical babbling. First, to get power one must fight. Preferably to death. Second, now I know why the hell I move like a dancer and feel high when killing slugs. And third, disturbing one - it looks like I feed on this creatures. Eeeeew...